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Thank you to the following donors who gave during the July 1, 2014- June 30, 2015 fiscal year.

Masters ($2,500 - $6,000)


Modern Woodmen

The Columbus Foundation

Russ & Anna Hollers

First Bank

McRae Industries

Distinguished ($1,000 - $2,499)

J.F. & Jean Allen Endowment

Brady & Joan Dickson

Robert & Wendy Jordan

NC Community Foundation


Earle & Jean Connelly Endowment

East Middle School

Jordan Lumber & Supply

Don & Ann Piehl

West Middle School


Marthanne Davis

Green Ridge Elementary

Jim & Sharon Matheny

Tricia Webb Marketing


Honor Roll ($101 - $999)

Alandale Knitting, LLC

William Bennett

David Cagle

Barry Carpenter

Garlan Durvin, Jr.

Lynne Ezzell

Joanna Foster

Douglas Goldsmith

Chris Hildreth

Larry Lassiter

Stewart Mathis

Montgomery Insurance

Brian Norris

Jim Perry

Michael Redwine

Sir Pizza

Mitch & Sandra Taylor

Christopher Turner

Olivia Webb

Richard & Pam Wyatt

Walter Auman

Howard & Patricia Burkhart

Bernard Campo

William Carpenter

East Montgomery High School


Furr Transport, LLC

Greenthumb Nursery

Jack & Sue Jordan

Jerry Lee

Scott & Carol May

Mt. Gilead Elementary

James Pampinella

Tex & Marilyn Powell

Republic Services

Thomas Smith

John Tedder

G.L. Tyler

Steven & Tricia Webb

Greg Zephir

John & Karen Ashman

Mitchell & Linda Burnett

Arron & Gelynda Capel

Chandler's Grove UMC

Dale Ellis

First Presbyterian Church, Mt. Gilead

Andrew Gahagan

James Hawkins

Chesley Kennedy

R. L'Italien & Associates

Melton Grove Methodist

Mark Nicholls

Harold Parker, Jr.

Presbytery of Charlotte


Star Elementary

Troy Elementary

United Way of Randolph

West Montgomery High School

Graduates ($1 - $100)

William Bean

Charles Butcha

Carolina Interiors & Construction

Donald & Terrie Dunn

Donny & Lynn Epps

Russell Fenton

RW Gardner

Kerry Hensley

Larry & Donna Kennedy

Gary & Kat McRae

Bruce Mittendorf

Ronald Niland

Piedmont Natural Gas

Randolph Restaurant Group

James Shuman

Talbert, Bright & Ellington

Troy Lions Club

Uwharrie Lumber

Mathhew Woodard





Patricia Adams

Pamela Ashburn

Becky Butler

Janet Dahl

First UMC, Mount Gilead

Taylor Hatley

Karen Jarrett

Kenneth Lambert

Myrtle McAulay

Ellen Murphy

Sarah Price

Gay Roatch

Elizabeth Rudisill

Karen Shelor

Katrina Tatum

Alice Wilder


PDaniel & Molly Alexi

Deborah Barden

Kurt Carlsen

Dixon Golf

Amy Frieary

Anita Helms

JMS Sales

Robert Lambert

Karen Mayer

Edwin Myrick

Bob & Sharon Pritchard

Robert Lovin Construction

Marsha Russell

Donald & Susan Sittnick

Patricia Tingen

Mitchell & Linda Whitesell


Johnny Almond

Mark & Deneal Bennett

John & Sara Carroll

Winston Dozier

Shirley Haithcock

Irmi Heyen

Steve & Betty Juhan

Kevin & Beth Lancaster

Joseph & Sandra Miller

Nancy Norton

Tamela Raynor

John Robinson

Lisa Sepesi

Star UMC

Thomas & Renee Van Horn

Larry & Judy Williamson



Jody Brewer

Colonial LP Gas

Bruce & Ann Evans

Tip Harris

Carrie Hutton

Belinda Karr

Hoy Lanning

Mt. Gilead Civitan Club

Riley & Marilyn Phillips

Malinda Richbourg

D.R. Robinson

Gary & Christine Sheffield

Starnes, Inc.

Wallace & Dunn HVAC

G.A. & Betsy Young


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